- Becoming and Making Disciples.
- To identify committed laity and initiate them in to discipleship
- To facilitate the laity to know and live the Word of God
- To empower the laity as disciples
- To initiate the trained laity into evangelization and animate them to lose voluntarily their time, resource and energy for the mission of evangelization
- To facilitate the laity in order to eradicate the social evils in the light of the Word of God and to make Jesus known to all.
- To encourage the laity to actively participate in the life and mission of the Catholic Church.
- To create networking among groups involved in evangelization in Tamil Nadu and to bring together the interested clergy and religious in proclamation.
- To create and to manage a regional resource centre for evangelization and lay empowerment.
- To provide opportunity to laity of other dioceses to update them with skills and techniques on new evangelization.
- Lay formation and faith resource development centre
- Commissioning laity to be messengers of Good News and peace making
- Initiating faith formation in villages through regular visits and facilitation of sodalities
- Managing special school for mentally challenged children
- Offering quality rehabilitative support to mentally challenged children
- Organizing rural women and children to create a better world by networking and collaborating with other entities